
自从在VeryCD下载了第一部电影以后就一发不可收拾了……一直都在不停的下载电影和Sex and the city,然后如饥似渴的观看。说回来已经很久没有看过枪碟了吧,这次Shrek2实在是等不下去了,没有字幕也好,枪也好,都看了,明天就看。也因为有VeryCD和eMule,得以补完比较新的电影,蹲守好版本的电影和一些舍不得买碟的轻喜剧,今天看的《Mystic River》和《50 First Dates》就是属于这些状况。而且,它们都是我难得的看得很尽兴的电影。虽然Mystic River的主题实在是沉重到不行,但是两个都没有让我想“怎么还不完结啊”,真的是难得。要知道我看电影经常是不停的看还剩下多少呢,典型的缺乏耐心的家伙……
那么……明天的任务是Shrek2和青蛇……不用买碟真是爽……感觉自己的听力在飞速进步呢- -b(真的……)
另外,仍然是坚持每天看一集Sex and the City,确实是喜欢不起来呀……但是觉得里面一些观点很有意思,所以看下去,如果看了一季还是这个样子,我就不会继续了。改行看《六尺风云》(不记得英文……)或者West Wings算了……(完全被遗忘的24,明明比Sex and the City喜欢很多倍的……果然用碟还是有很大劣势啊……)
啊,好累……不想写太多了,总之最近就是电影王道。嗯嗯。555,其实我很想写今天这两部作品的评论的呀,明明是喜欢的……前两天不怎么喜欢的都写了呀(想起那部折磨我的City of God-_-),好郁闷…………难得看到喜欢的轻喜剧呢……………………
对了,50 First Dates先不说,Mystic River很不错!推荐!推荐给喜欢看伦理片的人……

20 thoughts on “电影无止境

  1. Just wondering… 六尺风云… would that be ‘Six Feet Under’?

    Also, a recommendation: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Best. Show. Ever.

    And the Simpsons as well, of course.

          1. 不是…不过Dark Angel也蛮不错的哦…很可惜好早之前就被砍了…



          2. CSI不错哦.还有Monk,是比较新的一部.说实话,我也不怎么喜欢Sex and The City,觉得它很夸张…

            Errr…差一点忘了Fraiser和Everybody Loves Raymond.前边的那一部年龄不小了,不过很好笑.

            还有要是喜欢卡通片的话,Simpsons和Futurama全都是一级的viewing material哦.



          3. CSI也打算看,不过大概也要等到下个学期了,这个学期打算要看的有:24,ER,west wings,six feet under,大概还有growing pains,一个月内要看完这些已经很不容易了……啊我居然忘记了Band of brothers- -|||||||||

            Everybody Loves Raymond有下载,既然你说好看就排列到下载列表里面,KAKA。



          4. I’ve given up trying to type Chinese…

            That’s quite an extensive list, and a lot of them (from what I’ve seen) are fairly good choices. I haven’t seen all of them because Australia has prissy TV *shakes fist*.

            *Scrolls through list*

            Some worthy ones to check out… (IMO, anyway…)
            -Will&Grace (if you’re easily offended my homosexuals, then I think you should stay away from this one)
            -Growing Pains. I’ve seen some of this series in China. It’s funny, even when it’s dubbed!^_^
            -The Simpsons. Too bad about not finding it…
            -Seinfield. Quite possibly the greatest sitcom ever made (apart from Friends, of course! ^_^)
            -Gilmore Girls. Is pretty funny too. Lorelai and her mother especially.

            But of course Friends is the greatest of them all! ^_______^ I’ll miss it once it goes off air:( 5555555…

          5. don’t…don’t give up typing ChineseT_T

            Anyway, thanks for your information, I’ll try to find more series to watch, especially the Simpsons!!!I believe my power…and the power of internet.XD

            I ever watched one episode of South Park, made fun of Lord of the Rings, very interesting! even there’s no subtitle.(the talking speed is so fast-_-)

            Friends is the lord of the TV, in my heart^^

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