= =

What do the LOTR men think of you? by ladyearwentari
Name (LJ or Real)
Viggo said your cool
Orlando says the sex was nice and slow
Elijah imagined you in fish nets
Sean B could not wait to get away from you
Karl freaked out when you tied up the cast members
Dom thinks you look awesome
Billy noticed you have perfect lips
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


2 thoughts on “= =

  1. -_-,知道为什么你老说地精了

    明明错误明显,在别人指出时还死不认错并且气急败坏的,称为精锐地精(gobin elite)。
    自己不懂却以为什么都懂,同时还摆出教导别人的姿态误导大众的,称为地精巫师(goblin shaman)。
    符合以上所有特征同时还能有逆天的勇气和所有人开战的,称为地精头领(goblin chieftain)。

    1. Re: -_-,知道为什么你老说地精了


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