
layout的事情说了很久了……最近也一直在考虑这个的事情,但是对于自己想要的风格,心里还没有谱,所以……谁愿意当我练习的小白鼠啊?我会在这周以内就帮你把layout做出来的哦~~~要求是自己提供素材,然后对做怎样的layout要心中有数,并且能够清晰的表达出来并给我听懂(不要丢一张图给我然后说“随便你怎么做好了”- -),我会尽力而为的。

30 thoughts on “征求小白鼠

      1. 不是那个……是另一个……

          1. 不是广告……是想用一个LJ专门贴衣服的照片……所以也要做好看嘛……

        1. 喂喂……你哭什么啊,我才被你们弄得无奈呢= =

        1. retro是啥意思……

          non-frames but frames like是啥意思……

          还要……1/6 doll site呢………………


      1. ………………你这家伙……

        1. 原地址http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=overridehelp#overrides

          current livejournal style: (generator, tabular indent, default, etc…)
          page translations: provide the number for the page transition you’d like to use. (you can choose the one you would like here)
          browser title: (example, currently at this journal, the browser title says ‘the community of overridehelp’)
          Background IMAGE: (link to image, AND where do you want it to appear on your journal, or leave this blank if you want no image)
          Background COLOR: This is not your entry background colour. The background colour element is for the background underneith your background image. Users with different screen resolutions may not have your entire background filling their page so the background colour will be present behind it.(Hex codes here and here)
          scrollbar: Do you want me to customize your scrollbar to match your journal? Provide colors if you can (Hex codes here and here)
          font: (choose from examples or pick one of your own)
          comic sans ms
          times new roman
          lucida handwriting
          kristen ITC
          font size:
          text-align: justify, right, left, or center
          font color: (Hex codes here and here)
          cursor: Examples: here hover you mouse over them to see the action.
          link colors: (Hex codes here and here) Note: You may have up to 4 link colors [one for all the links appearance, normal, hover, active, and visited]
          link effects: examples: here and here
          entry alignment: (where your entries: left, right, center)
          entry border: (example: solid, dashed, dotted or inset)
          border size:(1 thru 10, 10 being the thickest)
          border color: (Hex codes here and here)
          comments links: (what do you want your comments links to say? Any image you want between them? Link the image you want.. Or what symbol [i.e. | – + o () *
          entries per page: specify how many entries per page you would like. choose between 1 and 50

          Some other things you can have done with your journal (these are optional)
          entry background: choose the colour you would like your entry background to be. (Hex codes here and here) or specify if you would like your background colour to be transparent
          entry opacity: choose an opacity level between 1-100. (Note: Choose between 70-100 if your background is light and your font is dark or choose between 40-70 if you have a dark background with light text for the best effects.)
          entry width: give an approximate percentage of how wide you would like your entries to be
          entry spacing: would you like the space in between your entries to be normally spaced, widely spaced, or practically touching?


          1. 一个实例:
            current livejournal style: (generator, tabular indent, default, etc…)
            page translations:Normal I really don’t understand that
            browser title: Kendra’s Live Journal
            Background IMAGE:
            Background COLOR: None
            scrollbar: None
            journal? Blue lines(where it is pink in the example), white
            background(in the boxes where it is black) Thanks..
            font: Tahoma.

          2. 真难啊……还要翻译……我干脆就做自己的算了……这么麻烦…………(碎碎念中)

            你怎么耿直了……(你对耿直的定义到底是怎样的= =|||||||)

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