
最近WOW玩得没有那么疯了,开始消化之前堆积的功课。先是一口气看完了第六季的《How I Met Your Mother》,忍不住要感慨一句,养肥了再看真好啊!!!!!二十四集一气呵成,无论是情感烘托还是节奏都把握得十分到位,拿着MP4在床上打着滚一个晚上一集集看下去的感觉真是太幸福了~~~可惜接下来又是一年的等待。如今在追的美剧也只有这一部和《Desperate Housewives》了,后者我是没有办法忍住不看的,但无论是一周周追还是一年一乐,都是满当当压抑不住的幸福感啊 :angel:
最近的另一个功课呢就是开始看排了很久的《Boston Legal》了!终于!我看过的法律剧不多,之前只有看过《Drop Dead Diva》吧——差点忘记了,这个也是我现在在追的,也是我的心头好> <,绝对是适合职场女性观赏的温馨励志又浪漫的法律剧集——这一部则是名声在外,和Firefly一样,身为一个被腰斩的剧集却得到不少精英的肯定(虽然Firefly更多的是宅的肯定吧 :blood: ),因此我也早早下了存在硬盘里。这次终于拿出来看了,撒花撒花。 第一集,并不如Lie to Me一样惊艳,大部分是人物走过场并交代彼此的关系,比如说Denny一看就是中流砥柱,Brad和Allen一看就是官配神马的……(喂)因为任务众多,一集居然安排了三个事件,比Lie to Me的一集两个案件还要多,对于我这个脸盲症患者真是个折磨……但是黑人小姑娘的案子还是让人眼前一亮,从她在法庭上大声唱起《Tomorrow》开始,歌声如百灵鸟一样高亢,没有经过训练而并没有对声音加控制,反而显得势不可挡和直白。当我听到她不顾法官的“Thank you, that...”,继续嘹亮地唱着“Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow.”我都忘记了呼吸,希望她能一直这么唱下去。上一次在电影里被这么打动似乎还是看《极地特快》,也是黑人小姑娘唱起《When Christmas Come to Town》的瞬间,真是羡慕黑人这无与伦比的、流淌在血液里的音乐细胞啊…… 之后神父跑进来说的一段话也灰常滴振奋人心,而且和《Tomorrow》巧妙的做了呼应,不但煽情而且引起了观众的共鸣。 You may think this is a small matter but, this is no small matter. This child is being denied the right to play an American icon because she doesn’t match the description. Those descriptions were crafted 50 years ago. We suppose to be in a different day. We talk about racial equality, how we’re making progress. The problem with that progress is it is always a day away. Tomorrow, tomorrow, you love that, because it is always a day away. I’m here to stick out my chin today, today. Give us an African-American spider man. Give us a black that can run faster than a speeding bullet and leap over tall buildings in a single bound. Not tomorrow, today. Today, the sun needs to come out today. Not tomorrow, your honor. God almighty, give the American people a black Orphan Annie. It’s just not good enough to say, she doesn’t look the part. 在这段演讲的影响下,本来要输的案子直接变成了庭外和解,可见民心有多么重要啊,哼哼为什么我却不合时宜的想起了某片里操纵陪审团心理的行为呢…… 总之有着这个开头,我对BL(我靠这缩写)是有了不小的期待,希望以后的剧集中也能不时出现这样的亮点。千万不要让我失望哦~~~~~ 另外在找资料的过程中,毅然发现我心爱的《Desperate Housewives》今年这一季将会是最后一季……简直是五雷轰顶。八年了,八年了啊,从大三一直到今天,一季不落的我要如何接受这个突然的事实。尽管水平的确是涨涨落落,但对于我,它已经不只是一部肥皂剧而已,而是老朋友一样的熟悉,从来没有想过它会有离开的一天。现在好了,每一集都是倒计时,本来期待开季的心情,骤然复杂了起来……唉,Whatever,至少不要烂尾……千万要完满啊。这一年,我还是会认认真真的每个周一就开始刷字幕组论坛的!握拳! 最后贴一下Tomorrow的歌词,其实是很励志的啦~~明天太阳会出来的,因此今天更加需要努力! The sun’ll come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow they’ll be sun just thinking about tomorrow cleares away the cobwebs and the sorrow ’till their none when i’m stuck with a day that’s gray and lonely i just think of my chin and grin and say oh the sun’ll come out tomorrow so you gotta hang until tomorrow come what may tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow your always a day away when i’m stuck with a day that’s gray and lonely i just think of my chin and grin and say oh the sun’ll come out tomorrow so you gotta hang until tomorrow come what may tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow your always a day away tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow your always a day away !!!!!!