
小无相功   unseen power 
神照经    god bless you
洗髓经    wash you
梯云纵心法  evelope jump
神行百变    changeable as ghost
凌波微步   slide over the water
子午针灸经  day and night medical care
华陀内昭图  huatuo’s X ray
七伤     7 hurted organ
天山六阳掌  6 men of mountain sky’s press
太极全经   dao’s all secret
药王神篇   king of drag
铁掌拳谱   hard press
胡青牛医书  buffulo hu’s medical book
五毒秘传   the experience of eat dirnk fuck bet and somke
毒经     poisons
黯然销魂掌  deepblue press
神木王鼎    holywood’s pot
松风剑法   softwind sword
泰山十八盘剑谱 mountain tai’s road sword
回峰落雁剑谱 comeback mysword
太岳青峰剑谱 oldmoutain’s green sword
两仪剑法    1/2 sword
金蛇秘笈    golden snake
太极剑法   sword of dao
达摩剑谱   damu superman’s sword
血刀经    blood stirke
降龙十八掌 18 drive dragon press
打狗棒    beat dog stick
辟邪剑    dis-evil sword
北冥神功    northsea power
空明拳    empty bright strike
落英剑    fallen flower sword
玄铁剑    black iron sword
独孤九剑    lonely sword
百花错拳    100 flowers strike
乾坤大挪移 heaven and hell’s moving
玉女剑    holy girl sword
全真剑     all nature sword
斗转星移    suffer yourself
一阳指    one sun inpidex finger
六脉神剑 six miles holy sword
龙象般若功 dragon and elephant’s horrible power

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